May16, 2016
Wow this week has been such a blur! We have had so much to do, it has been crazy.
Tuesday we had our first district meeting together. It was awesome. Elder Mitchell is still my district leader (woohoo!) going on 6 months now. But we had cute Hermana Holjholdt with us and we got to know the whole district a little better and we went out to eat.
Then we took Hermana Holjholdt to the bus station and got her with her bus and companion. Then we got to pick up the Hermanas from Cartagena for intercambios. So we had a crazy night of double plans. I was with Hermana Vigo that night she taught me so much. She is about to go home and I learned so much about how to explain things and love my investigators.
The next morning I was with Hermana Spangler. She is such a cutie and we saw such an awesome miracle. Hermana Asay and I have been fasting that we could find more people to teach and that we could find families. Well, Hermana Spangler and I were looking for an investigator and we walked in on an amazing family who listened to us and cried at the end.
That afternoon we ate with bishop and they gave us each a half a chicken! It was insane! That night we were actually together, me and Hermana Asay! There is something so special about being with your real companion.
Thursday night we had a ton of lessons - it was awesome! We taught E by reading with her form the Book of Mormon and applying it to her. That book is so powerful! Then we taught R. He has had a pretty hard life and we basically told him that he needed to work with us for 1 month and see if his life didn't turn around and he agreed, so here we go!
Friday we spent all day on the bus because… wait for it… we went to Malaga! That night we got there and I worked
Then that night we put together a quartet because all four of us could sing - it was super fun. Then I worked with Hermana Rowlley that morning, and then back on the bus. We got home super tried but with two hours of the day left to work, so we went and saw U.
Sunday was wonderful.
Today we went hiking to a mini Christ statue that there is here in Murcia like the one in Rio.
Man family. I am so sorry for the super lame letter. I just have zero time. I love you all so much!
Also, today I did a quick missionary inventory of myself. I realized that if I want to keep improving as a missionary I need to make sure I am keeping goals for myself. I love this mission so much and I love my Savior and all he is helping me to become.
Hermana Smalley
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